Cariza Khansa Pratama is a small business enterprise with a legal entity titled Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) owned by Sofyani Mirah. It is located in Sleman and was established in May 2019 focusing on producing banana chips, granola, banana flour, banana cakes, and fertilizers from the waste generated. Cariza Khansa Pratama already has a Business Permit Number (NIB). Meanwhile, its products have a National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) domestic distribution permit (MD) certificate, a Halal certificate, and a domestic component level certificate (TKDN) from the Ministry of Industry.
Sofyani Mirah claims that the banana flour produced contains no gluten, making it suitable for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Furthermore, the granola products are made from dry grains that are suitable for breakfast since they’re high in fiber. It is also good for health and can be used as a dietary menu that helps losing weight, maintains a healthy cholesterol level, and avoids heart disease and cancer.
On the recommendation of the Yogyakarta Special Region of Cooperatives and SMEs, Cariza Khansa Pratama joined the mentorship of Directorate of Community Services (DPKM) UGM in 2021. Their products are curated as premium MSME products that are exportable, along with 19 other MSME products, and compiled in a video for MSME premium products that was launched during the IV MSME National Business Meeting. On January 21, 2022, DPKM UGM held a curation of exports of assisted MSME products in collaboration with IJB Net and the Department of Industry and Trade of Yogyakarta Province. Cariza Khansa Pratama was one of the MSMEs that managed to pass on sending their sample products to Japan.
In this regard, DPKM UGM together with the Jakarta National Standardization Agency (BSN) provided assistance and facilitation for several MSMEs that passed curation to Japan. Assistance is provided to enable the implementation of SNI 8370-2018 and SNI Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and SNI. BSN has provided assistance, and several stages have been completed, including assistance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), GMP and CPPOB training for employees, laboratory testing processes, HACCP and CPPOB document preparation, and production site arrangement. Sofyani Mirah’s dedication will hasten the HACCP certification process as it will impact on the international market entry of Cariza Khansa Pratama products.(wdd/22)