Soon after the government announced about the Covid-19 as a national disaster on 14 March 2020, people are responding in 2 ways. One kinds of response was do everythings as usual, the other kind of response was panic which expressed in panic buying of daily needs, handsanitizers and masks, as well as local initiatives of lock-downs. Responding to this situation, RCE Yogyakarta started with raising community awareness on Covid-19 by disseminating the right information about the Covid-19 outbreak, its causes, how it was spread, the symptoms, and how to overcome it by creating and distributing leaflets, disseminating information using a mobile information car, and conducting face-to-face counseling while maintaining health protocols, i.e. wearing masks, and maintaining distance. All of the dissemination process was done using local languages. On our visit to primary health care facilities we found that they needed personal protection equipment. Paying attention to the comprehensiveness in responding to socioeconomic problems while simultaneously also responding to health sector, we found alternative products for micro, small, and medium enterprises engage in batik clothing manufacturing. We encourage batik clothing manufacturers to produce PPE and fabric masks. We then distributed the PPE to primary health facilities and promotes the use of fabric masks instead of surgery masks for common people. RCE Yogyakarta also produce and distribute face shields.
RCEen news
The 31 UGM students will attend Community Service Program in Sei Gohong Village and Habaring Hurung Village, Bukit Batu District.
The duration of this KKN is 48 days. But before being released to the field they first introduced the Mayor of Palangka Raya Riban Satia along with his staff on Tuesday (6/26/2018) in the Peteng Room of Karuhei I.