Directorate of Community Services (DPKM)
DPKM is one of Tri Dharma College pillar. In addition, to education, teaching program and research program. UGM Statutes based on Government Regulation PP No. 67th of 2013 states that UGM has a vision as a pioneer of national and world-class, excellence and innovative university, serve the
interests of the nation and humanity, imbued with cultural values of the nation based on Pancasila.This vision is implemented through Tri Dharma College pillar, namely: education, research, and community service. UGM not only carry out the task of education for students, but also carry out research and develop innovations, as well as the preservation and development of superior science and beneficial to the society. DPKM is an integral part of the Tri Dharma College pillar in which the implementation inseparable from the other two pillar and involve all of academic civitas: lecturer, students, staff and alumnus. Through Community Service, UGM is present in the midst of the Indonesian society. Even in the midst of globalization, UGM has offered the world to conduct collaborative community service performed by foreign students and lecturers to work together in Indonesia. Likewise, hereinafter UGM designing community service of the world, through the pursuit of cooperation by international partners work in various parts across the world.
Sub Directorate of KKN (Fieldwork Experience)
Sub Field Work Experience is one of the implementing unit within the Directorate of Community Service assigned to manage and coordinates the operation Fieldwork Experience – Learning for Community Empowerment (Kuliah Kerja Nyata – Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/KKNPPM). KKN-PPM is a university compulsory subject aimed at generated students who have are able to analyze issues and potential of in the society, have the empathy and concern for all forms of problems in society, as well as the capability applying the science and technology (IPTEKS) in a teamwork and interdisciplinary, instilling the values of personality (nationalism and the spirit of Pancasila, the tenacious work ethic, responsibility, independence, leadership skills, the entrepreneurial spirit and mental of researchers). KKN PPM program is developed and implemented based on the fundamental principle of the Tri Dharma College aspects, Empathy-Participative, Interdisciplinary, Comprehensive- complementation and comprehensive dimension, Realistic-Pragmatic and Preservation and Environmental Development. Besides KKN-PPM is based on implementation principal of the shared idea (cocreation), co-financing, Flexibility, Sustainability and based on research (Research based Community Services). Based on the priorities and UGM research goals, the scope of the KKN PPM UGM theme developed in several aspects, such as: 1. The Socio-Cultural Development based Local Wisdom and Nationalism 2. 3. Community Empowerment through Education and Women Empowerment Group vulnerable 4. improvement of Tutors and Governance 5. Development of Legal and Political Awareness 6. Micro,Small and Medium 7. Increased Production of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, Forestry and Natural Resource Development 8. 9. 10. Environmental Management Public Health improvement 11. The Regional Infrastructure development 12. Renewable Energy 13. development of Information and Computer Technology for sustainable development 14. 15. Improved Disaster Resilience and or the National Security 16. Illiteracy Eradication
Sub Social Empowerment
Sub-Directorate for Community Empowerment is one of the implementing unit within the Directorate of Community Service in charge of helping coordinate the implementation of community service and improving the quality of service to the community, through the following activities:
- the application of science, technology, art and culture to the public by utilizing the results-the results of research that can be applied in the real terms for the public,
- entrepreneurial capacity building in the public, government agencies, private companies and
assisting micro, small and medium enterprises; - provision of information, awareness and learning about the importance of sustainable
development and mobilizing the masses / community towards a better future (sustainably
developed) - solutions and the provision of assistance to ease the burden of the affected people
- improving performance and capacity building societies toward independence, civilization
and prosperity.
Sub-Directorate for Social Empowerment in general manage and coordinate activities in the scheme:
1. Appropriate Technology (TTG)
2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
3. Disaster Response Unit (DERU)
4. Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Yogyakarta)
5. Other Public Service
Other Public Service
- Colleges duty to enforce community service in accordance with Act No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System.
- In Indonesia is still quite a lot of areas that have vulnerable people. Therefore, community service performed UGM Directorate of Community Services at the prioritized target areas vulnerable society. Conditions of vulnerable people need to be encouraged to become independent and prosperous society in a sustainable manner in accordance with the objectives listed in the basic policy of UGM Strategic Plan 2012-2017.
- In the basic policy UGM Strategic Plan 2012-2017 mentioned that the knowledge developed should serve the interests of the people who utilized optimally for further development of science, for the community, government, and industry. Such devotion can be implemented through various forms of community service.
- Community service activities in its implementation may be the facilitation work programs implemented in partnership with various external parties in accordance with the vision and mission of UGM. As a populist university, many roles that can be done by the University of Gadjah Mada in terms of mentoring and empowerment
- Community service is a part of the community service activities are expected to contribute in helping the various problems of the nation and promote independence and well-being of the community in a sustainable manner. In this case, the definition of public service is a service activity that a response or a response from the community or the request will partner specific needs. Thus, initiation is done in advance by the public or partner and subsequently on the basis of the request is responded to in various forms of community service activities. UGM in its development required to always improve the quality and quantity of services to the community.
- Community service activities in the future should be able to adjust to the issues and dynamics that developed in the community. UGM has produced many studies that can be implemented in the community. Thus, the results of research related to science and technology can be utilized for the benefit of society at large through community service activities.
- To handle various problems that occur in vulnerable people required a multidisciplinary approach with a model or a distinctive pattern, which is a way to synergize community service with other activities, including research, KKN-PPM program, SMEs, the application of appropriate technology, as well as the involvement of the team experts from the faculty, study centers, and other units in UGM.